I talk with Oscar Merry, co-founder of Fountain, one of the most popular Podcasting 2.0 apps.
We talk about the future of open podcasting and breaking out from the walled gardens of big tech, how the Bitcoin Lightning Network can enable streaming value directly to content creators, and we also discuss some of the upcoming features that the Fountain team are working on.
Fountain has been a big part of the journey of this show, with many of you supporting my work from the beginning by streaming satoshis and commenting on episodes which gave me a lot of encouragement to keep doing the proof of work.
Show Sponsors
Swarbricks - New Zealand's first law firm to accept Bitcoin for legal services (https://www.swarbricks.co.nz/bitcoin)
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Follow me on twitter at https://twitter.com/TTOVpodcast
Nostr at: npub1uth29ygt090fe640skhc8l34d9s7xlwj4frxs2esezt7n6d64nwsqcmmmu
Or send an email to hello@thetransformationofvalue.com and I will get back to you!
Support this show:
Bitcoin donation address: bc1qlfcr2v73tntt6wvyp2yu064egvyeery6xtwy8t
Lightning donation address: codyellingham@getalby.com
PayNym: +steepvoice938
PayNym Code: PM8TJhcUCtSvHe69sod9pzLCBKg6GaogsMDwfGNCnL4HXyduiY9pbLpbn3oEUvuM75EeALxRVV3Mfi6kgWEBsseMki3QphE8aC5QDMNp9pUugqfz1yVc
Geyser Fund
If you send a donation please email or DM me so I can thank you!
Fountain Podcasting App - https://fountain.fm/
Fountain on Twitter - https://twitter.com/fountain_app
Oscar Merry on Twitter - https://twitter.com/merryoscar
Email Oscar - merryoscar@fountain.fm
Podcast Index - https://podcastindex.org/
Dan Carlin: Hardcore History Podcast - https://www.dancarlin.com/
Boostagram Ball with Adam Curry - https://www.boostagramball.com/
value4value.info - https://value4value.info/
Zebedee - https://zebedee.io/
Zed is a Bitcoiner originally from the Czech Republic, but now living in Wellington, New Zealand, where he organises a Local Bitcoin meetup.We dive into Zed’s story, leaving the Czech Republic to go to London around the time of the occupy movement where he first discovered Bitcoin.We talk about Bitcoin art and the role of popular culture in sharing new ways of thinking, as well as the cultural background that Zed brings to Bitcoin, having being born into a communist system. We also talk about how people such as the Gypsies of Europe or the New Zealand Māori represent a different kind of relationship to the state that we can learn a lot from.
Andrew L. Wilson is an Author and Professor of History of Christianity as well as host of The Disentanglement Podcast, exploring privacy tech and the surveillance state. We discuss in detail severals books about the origin of the state and money, including James C Scott’s, “Seeing Like A State”, Rees-Mogg and Davidson’s “The Sovereign Individual”, and David Graeber’s “Debt: The First 5,000 Years”. We discover some interesting parallels between the unconfiscatable nature of Bitcoin and the origins of state power with its ability to tax easily countable grain crops versus something like a potato which grows underground.We also talk about the history of the printing press as it relates to inflation within the church, and Andrew's personal proof of work undertaking a 1000-mile pilgrimage in the footsteps of Martin Luther from Germany to Rome.
In this group chat we talk about the new RBNZ Issue paper on the future of money, point of sale hardware experiments on the Lightning Network, and how New Zealand government and business can be educated about the role of Bitcoin. We also discuss improved ways to bring about retail adoption and get Bitcoin into the hands of kiwis, along with a whole lot more!
A down-to-earth and impromptu catchup with HG, a local Bitcoiner from Christchurch who flew up to be at the Bitkiwi meetup in Wellington recently. We discuss Bitcoin in NZ, local initiatives, and who we think is the one kiwi we would like to see get orange pilled!
Rabble is a software developer and hacker based in Wellington, New Zealand. Rabble was lead engineer at Odeo, where he hired Jack Dorsey into the company, which would later pivot into becoming Twitter. Since then he has been focussed on building impactful projects and social media with the open & decentralised vision that Twitter originally had in its early years but which was eventually lost. Rabble has created the Nostr client Nos.social, and is involved with Ahau.io, a Māori community tool built on Nostr’s predecessor protocol, Secure Scuttlebutt.