Don Brash was the former Governor of the Reserve Bank of New Zealand from 1988 until 2002. Don was also a Member of Parliament, and leader of the New Zealand National Party.
We discuss Don’s work at the Reserve Bank, which came at a pivotal time alongside the economic reforms of the late 80s.
Don shares the history of the famous 0 - 2% inflation target that he helped implement, and we talk more broadly about the state’s understanding of inflation, its causes, Bitcoin, and the role of Central Banking.
We go on to talk about Don’s current focus looking at both the geopolitical situation New Zealand faces in-between the US and China, as well as his work with Hobson’s pledge looking at democracy issues closer to home.
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Don Brash Website -
Incredible Luck, Don Brash Autobiography -
Hobson's Pledge -
"Revolution" TV series on New Zealand from 1970s-1990s -
The Arrogance of Power by William Fulbright -
Oath and Honor: A Memoir and a Warning by Liz Cheney -
Destined for War: Can America and China Escape Thucydides’s Trap? by Graham Allison -
The Fourth Turning: An American Prophecy—What the Cycles of History Tell Us About America's Next Rendezvous with Destiny by William Strauss , Neil Howe -
On China by Henry Kissinger -
Please note: James (Jim) Holt is the economist Don Brash mentions who inspired the policies of 1980s New Zealand.
I share a conversation I had on Darcy Ungaro’s podcast, NZ Everyday Investor. Darcy has kindly allowed me to share the show with you here. I am on the other side of the mic, talking about my thoughts on housing in New Zealand, what it means to be a sovereign individual, and some bold reckonings about the future of the nation state project.
Andrew Begin is Director of Marketing at Galoy, a company building Bitcoin-native banking infrastructure for organisations. We talk about Galoy’s Bitcoin projects including the open-source Blink Wallet, made popular through Bitcoin Beach in El Salvador. I learn about the vision for the product as well as its Stablesats functionality and how this work. We discuss the power of communities taking ownership of their financial infrastructure, and the opportunities for grassroots Bitcoin adoption in Africa and Latin America. Finally we talk briefly about permaculture and regenerative farming and the connections with Bitcoin thinking.
I talk with Bitkiwi Paul about his ideas on how the emergence of Bitcoin represents for money what the Enlightenment was to science: a technology-driven change that led to fundamental shifts in society and the way we understand the world around us. Follow Bitkiwi on Twitter at @Bitkiwi1 for the latest. Please stream and support so that we can do more.
I talk with Bitkiwi Paul about my new year's resolution to use more cash and how Bitcoiners might align with it in an increasingly cashless world where surveillance and tracking is normalised.
Dr. Murray Rudd is an environmental economics and policy researcher by training and now Science Advisor for Satoshi Action Education, providing input on economics and environmental science as it relates to Bitcoin. We discuss Murray’s background and work, his new project The Bitcoin Distillery, which is a resource for following and understanding developments in Bitcoin. Finally we explore the way the academic world can engage with Bitcoin in terms of research and collaboration opportunities.