March 24, 2023

Soft War, Law as Code, and Understanding Value Transfer in a Bitcoin World with Dr. Simon Collins

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Show Notes

Today I talk with Dr. Simon Collins from Stackr, a New Zealand Bitcoin mining company. In this episode we discuss Simon's thoughts on Jason Lowery's latest book about power projection in a Bitcoin world. We also explore the abstract category of "value transfer" and how the vantage point of Bitcoin can provide a way to explore this, similar to how the internet provided a new way to look at communication. Simon is always great to talk with. He will be speaking at the Bitcoin Alive conference in Sydney next month, so check out his details below to follow along. If you want to get in touch with me please follow on twitter at https://twitter.com/TTOVpodcast or send an email to hello@thetransformationofvalue.com and I will get back to you. Links:

Stackr NZ Bitcoin mining - https://www.stackr.co.nz/

Bitcoin Alive - https://bitcoinalive.io/

Simon Collins on Twitter - https://twitter.com/simonocollins

Softwar: A Novel Theory on Power Projection and the National Strategic Significance of Bitcoin, by Jason Lowery - https://www.amazon.com/Softwar-Projection-National-Strategic-Significance/dp/B0BW358F37


Political Interference in New Zealand's Courts and Police - https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/political/486010/calls-for-police-minister-stuart-nash-to-resign-over-interference

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