Episodes about:


Bitkiwi Paul
Bitkiwi Paul
Bitkiwi Paul
July 8, 2024

Finding the Bitcoin Connection with Bitkiwi Paul

I talk with Bitkiwi Paul, co-organiser of Bitkiwi, New Zealand’s premier Bitcoin events. We talk about quite a few things: minimalism in what we own, the work of Art in the Age of AI, meaning making and the role of sports in the nation state, all seen through a Bitcoin lens.

Dr. James Kierstead
Dr. James Kierstead
Dr. James Kierstead
June 9, 2024

Ancient Economies, Declining Universities, and Free Speech with Dr. James Kierstead

Dr. James Kierstead is a Research Fellow with the New Zealand Initiative focussing on higher education policy, including academic freedom. James co-hosts Free Kiwis!, a podcast dedicated to free speech in New Zealand, and also has a background in classical studies, in particular democracy in Ancient Greece. We talk about the declining state of New Zealand universities and the impact this has on graduates bringing their ideologies into the public sector. We also dive into the importance of language learning and, the economies of ancient Greece city states, and what we can learn from the past.

Andrew L. Wilson
Andrew L. Wilson
Andrew L. Wilson
May 6, 2024

Infrastructure, Broken Money, and Local Currencies with Andrew L. Wilson

Andrew L. Wilson is an Author and Professor of History of Christianity as well as a Bitcoiner and host of The Disentanglement Podcast, exploring privacy tech and the surveillance state. We talk about infrastructure, AI, money, and democracy: the challenges of our generation. We also discuss an article that Andrew wrote from before he knew about Bitcoin, about local currencies and circular economies that has some interesting parallels.

Andrew L. Wilson
Andrew L. Wilson
Andrew L. Wilson
February 26, 2024

State, Money, and Pilgrimages with Andrew L. Wilson

Andrew L. Wilson is an Author and Professor of History of Christianity as well as host of The Disentanglement Podcast, exploring privacy tech and the surveillance state. We discuss in detail severals books about the origin of the state and money, including James C Scott’s, “Seeing Like A State”, Rees-Mogg and Davidson’s “The Sovereign Individual”, and David Graeber’s “Debt: The First 5,000 Years”. We discover some interesting parallels between the unconfiscatable nature of Bitcoin and the origins of state power with its ability to tax easily countable grain crops versus something like a potato which grows underground.We also talk about the history of the printing press as it relates to inflation within the church, and Andrew's personal proof of work undertaking a 1000-mile pilgrimage in the footsteps of Martin Luther from Germany to Rome.