May 27, 2024

City On Fire: The Hong Kong Protests, Censorship, and Money with Antony Dapiran

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Show Notes

I speak with Antony Dapiran, a prominent Australian lawyer and award-winning author, who has become widely known for his writing and commentary on the protest movement in Hong Kong and the reaction from the State.

We talk about his book City On Fire: The Fight for Hong Kong, we explore the history of the city and its unique monetary and political situation, as well as the role of censorship, Bitcoin, freedom technology, and more.

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Antony Dapiran Website - ⁠https://www.antonydapiran.com/⁠

Antony Dapiran on X - ⁠https://x.com/antd⁠

City On Fire: The Fight for Hong Kong - ⁠https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/50783598-city-on-fire

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